As a former reporter and editor at the Tribune, Diana French carries on sharing her ideas through her weekly column. (Photo submitted)

FRENCH CONNECTION: Cheering on the Habs

Many westerners were biased against French Canadians years ago

The Canadiens have always been my favourite hockey team.

It used to get me in trouble.

Many westerners were biased against French Canadians years ago when the Habs were flying high. I used to brag about them and it made hockey fan friends mad, especially as they had to keep changing their favourites when they were defeated in the playoffs. Different story today.

Biases have changed, and the Canadiens are the only Canadian team in the finals.

When the Canucks came on the scene I rooted for them but my heart was always with Montreal. I hadn’t seen much hockey since my husband died — it isn’t much fun watching alone, but the pandemic got me going again. Members of my COVID bubble are hockey fans, and we want to follow local hero Carey Price. I’ll be watching as long as the Canadiens are playing.


COVID-19 is holding fast as the top bad news story but Residential School reports, gang killings, and the murder of the Muslim family have added to the horror stories.

I have some quibbles with the coverage of crime stories. For instance, the authorities don’t always reveal the names of suspects in gang member killings, citing security reasons. Fair enough, but the minute there are allegations of sex-related misconduct connected to a VIP, the person’s name and photo are blatted everywhere.

READ MORE: The tragic truth

I don’t condone any crime, and people found guilty of wrongdoings must face the consequences, but what if the suspect in a sex-related charge is found not guilty in court? It does occasionally happen, but the stigma attached to the charges never goes away. Why two sets of rules? And why do the police seem to be arresting so many old-growth logging protesters and so few of those flouting the COVID rules?

Diana French is a freelance columnist for the Tribune. She is a former Tribune editor, retired teacher, historian and book author.


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