As a former reporter and editor at the Tribune, Diana French carries on sharing her ideas through her weekly column. (Photo submitted)

FRENCH CONNECTION: Heed the warnings

Four years to go but we're certainly on schedule

It’s officially summer time. Will it be a hot one?


Scientists and people with vision have been giving us warnings about the future for years. We don’t pay enough attention.

In 2015, the Economic Forum, which represents 900 world experts, predicted that international conflict would be the biggest threat to world stability within 10 years. Extreme weather events, climate change and a shortage of drinkable water was No. 2, shaky economics and high unemployment was No. 3.

Fourth — guess what — disease and a pandemic. Four years to go but we’re certainly on schedule.

Speaking of the pandemic, some governments are easing restrictions. Let’s hope they proceed with caution. We don’t need any more “waves.”


A photo posted on social media recently triggered memories of the Silver Spur, a long gone but not forgotten restaurant. One visit there sticks in my mind.

At the time, a young lad working at the Tribune had given his notice and rather than paying apartment rent for a month when he was leaving in a week, he was sleeping on the floor at the office. When I discovered this, I took him home. At the end of his stay he invited our family of seven to the Spur’s Chinese buffet.

The place was crowded. Once we were seated, our host challenged the boys to see who could leave the biggest pile of bones on their plates. Then he held up his arm and shouted: “Charge.”

They all leapt up and barged to the buffet. I don’t remember who won the bone contest. The boys made many trips to the buffet and they had a great time. They’d probably gobbled up a goodly chunk of the Spur’s profit. Husband thought it was funny. I didn’t. I knew most of the diners and was easily embarrassed in those days.

Diana French is a freelance columnist for the Tribune. She is a former Tribune editor, retired teacher, historian and book author.

Williams Lake Tribune