As a former reporter and editor at the Tribune, Diana French carries on sharing her ideas through her weekly column. (Photo submitted)

FRENCH CONNECTION: Let’s keep working to make Canada better

Whether you're celebrating or not, how about wearing an orange shirt or ribbon

Happy Canada Day. In spite of all our woes, I’m glad to be Canadian. No place is perfect, but Canada is one of the most comfortable countries in the world. Let’s make it better. Today, whether you’re celebrating or not, how about wearing an orange shirt or ribbon to let the Indigenous communities know we recognize and regret our treatment of them.

Meantime, China, speaking for other countries including Russia, Belarus, Iran, North Korea, Syria and Venezuela, has asked the United Nations to investigate Canada’s “serious human rights violations against the Indigenous people in Canada.”

READ MORE: We have it pretty good in Canada

We shouldn’t get upset about that. Canada, among other “free world” democracies — including the U.S. — isn’t shy about decrying human rights violations in what we consider to be less civilized countries. Pots calling the kettles black?


Two happy hockey events last week: The Montreal Canadiens won against Las Vegas and now have a chance to win the big one. And, the Sedin twins are re-joining the Canucks as special advisors.


One evening recently a doe came visiting, ate some sunflower seeds that had spilled from the bird feeder, then went on its way. The next day, around noon, a pair of does stopped by, lingered awhile, then one disappeared. The other headed across the street. Fourth Avenue is busy in the daytime and one vehicle had to stop to let her pass. Safely on the sidewalk, she went as far as Borland Street, then took the crosswalk back across Fourth Avenue, ignoring a driver making a left hand turn, She headed down Borland toward the provincial building. She didn’t seem to know, or care, about anything or anybody.


I’ve had my two vaccinations but still wear a mask. Have two mask problems — how do you deal with an itchy nose or a sudden sneeze?

Diana French is a freelance columnist for the Tribune. She is a former Tribune editor, retired teacher, historian and book author.

Williams Lake Tribune