As a former reporter and editor at the Tribune, Diana French carries on sharing her ideas through her weekly column. (Photo submitted)

FRENCH CONNECTION: Let’s say goodbye to 2020

Happy New Year to all, and may your dreams come true

Most of us won’t be sorry to say goodbye to 2020, although I don’t know how changing the 0 to 1 will improve anything. We can hope. New Years is traditionally a time to make resolutions make things better in the upcoming year.

We all have expectations, maybe this year good things will happen. My Number One wish is a stretch, but what if the people who grump about everything would 1) occasionally acknowledge the blue skies and 2) learn how to disagree without being disagreeable.

Try working together instead of protesting about everything.

The New Year might bring the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, but (there is always a but) even with the vaccines.

The coronavirus could hang around for ages unless each of us obey the rules; wear a mask, wash your hands, keep your distance or stay home.

Nothing earth-shattering, but some folks don’t like the word obey. My pick for top vaccine receivers after the health people are the front line workers, those who deal with the public (for example, staff in retail stores) and the out-of-sight, out-of-mind service workers (for example, janitors) who keep the world humming. They are essential.

Another wish is for US President Donald Trump to shut up and fade away.

On the home scene, health care is a concern. The renovated hospital and B.C’.s Primary Health Care Network will be great, but are there enough trained people to provide the services? There are some health challenges on the city’s plate too. Air and water quality are health- related, and by all accounts, ours aren’t the best. Homelessness is also a health threat.

Let’s be optimistic, and expect 2021 to be an improvement over 2020. Happy New Year to all, and may your dreams come true.

Diana French is a freelance columnist for the Tribune. She is a former Tribune editor, retired teacher, historian and book author.

READ MORE: Make the best of this different, holiday season

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