As a former reporter and editor at the Tribune, Diana French carries on sharing her ideas through her weekly column. Monica Lamb-Yorksi photo

FRENCH CONNECTION: Still time for Trump to start trouble

We have 49 days of 2020 still to go

The seemingly everlasting U.S. presidential election process is finally over, but from all accounts the turmoil surrounding is it not.

President Donald Trump, who is a sore loser, remains in power until Joe Biden is sworn in Jan. 20. That gives Mr. T plenty of time to stir up trouble for the new regime.

Time will tell, but by all accounts and appearances, President-elect Biden seems to represent what we like to think of as our Canadian values — decency, compassion — all the good things. Mr. Trump doesn’t seem to have any values, but 71 million Americans voted for him. What does that say about the most powerful nation in the western world? Let’s hope none of the ill will spills over the border unto us.

B.C.’s mail-in voting was dull in comparison, with few surprises. A recount will determine if the third Green candidate is successful, and the NDP gained more seats. John Horgan can now go full steam ahead with his plans without fear of his government getting toppled.

Congratulations to our new MLA Lorne Doerkson, and a big thank you to Donna Barnett for her many years of caring for the Cariboo. She will be missed.

Any recent TV coverage that wasn’t devoted to the U.S. election focussed on COVID-19. The pandemic keeps getting worse and worse. With so many B.C.’ers refusing to wear masks or practice social distancing, Dr. Henry might have to take off the velvet gloves and mandate the rules instead of being Dr. Nice.

One story that hasn’t made headlines yet is the Cullen Commission on money laundering in B.C. casinos. It is getting interesting.

Local news isn’t wonderful, either, what with unseasonable floods, slides, early winter weather and now a nasty fire. What next? We have 49 days of 2020 still to go.

Diana French is a freelance columnist for the Tribune. She is a former Tribune editor, retired teacher, historian and book author.

Williams Lake Tribune