Fridge plan has merit

EDITORIAL: Vernon resident invites all interested in reducing food waste to meeting Monday morning

We’ve all done it – bought more food than we know what to do with and, in the end, it goes into the garbage.

Canadians are famous for this. According to a 2014 consultant report that showed more than $31 billion worth of food is wasted every year in Canada.

Individuals waste about 47 per cent of that $31 billion, mainly consisting of buying food with the plan of using it in the home but don’t.

Food manufacturing, said the report, is responsible for as much as one-fifth of the food wasted across the country. Ten per cent of food waste happens at both a farm and through retailers, and restaurants and hotels waste nine per cent.

Vernon wife and mother of three Amanda Laranjo wants to change that.

Laranjo has created a Facebook group called Vernon Community Fridge Planners, to see how much interest there is in lowering the food waste numbers by starting a volunteer-driven program in the community.

Fridges would be placed at certain locations around Vernon, and rather than throwing the food not consumed or used in the garbage, it would be stocked in the fridge, available to help the needy residents and help reduce food waste.

The community fridge program has started up successfully around the world and it’s a great idea.

Rather than overload the dumps with food, all one has to do is take what would be wasted and drop it off at a fridge where it would be put to good use. Makes perfect sense.

Laranjo has set up an information meeting Monday at 9 a.m. in the basement of the Bean To Cup on 27th Street. Here’s hoping there’s food for thought in her plans.


Vernon Morning Star