From the Centre: Summer programs galore at Creston community complex

Wide range of programs for children and families at Creston rec centre, says recreation supervisor Neil Ostafichuk...

Wow. June already. Another month or so and kids are out of school for the summer. Time moving fast enough for you? Oh well, it’s the same every year, constantly picking up speed, but let’s just live in the moment for the time being. So, that means you have received the summer leisure guide in the mail and possibly even had a look through it, hopefully catching the registration start date of May 30. Of course, that date means programs and camps start to fill up fast, so remember: He who hesitates may be on the outside looking in.

Over the years, in dealing with many of the organizations and groups around the valley, I long ago discovered Creston has a reputation for people waiting till the last minute to register/buy tickets/sign up for any number of events, performances or programs. In actuality, it is probably the same in any small-town setting, but boy, does it make it difficult for those that plan those offerings, often waiting on pins and needles unsure if they are going to break even or suffer a loss. For us at the community complex, when we don’t reach a minimum number of registrants in order to meet costs by usually a week or so before start, we pull the pin. Some programs might need longer lead times if there are supplies that need to be purchased or using a contractor who also has to plan. Or, conversely, we might be so close to the minimum number that we wait till the last minute and often do a phone blitz to try and scare up interest if there is enough time to pull it off.

If we have a program that we know is beneficial or super cool, it’s not uncommon to offer it a few times; even if it didn’t fly the first go-around, as occasionally with something new, it just has to be out there for a while before it gains acceptance. You know, like disco. OK, bad example.

So, in the summer leisure guide, you will notice a pile of camps and programs for children and teens. In fact, I think this has the most programs we have ever offered for this demographic. It’s all part of our duty to you to keep your children from dissolving into the couch over the summer or, if you have inherited grandchildren for a portion of the summer, provide a small window of opportunity for you to have a quiet coffee by yourself or maybe a brief cry. Beginning in July, we have 20 different camps targeting five-year-olds and up, such as biking, tennis, cooking, growing, sewing, art, volleyball, basketball, carpentry, moviemaking — really, you have to see the guide in person or online at to get a feel for all that’s happening.

We still have all the regular stuff as well — fitness programs, swimming lessons and advanced aquatics courses, potentially leading to becoming a lifeguard. But wait, there’s more! Check out some really cool programs such as kayaking on the Kootenay, fly-fishing for women (sorry, dudes), learning to fish for families, adult tennis camp and an adult mountain bike clinic. That’s a hint of what’s trending at the community complex, so if anyone tries to float that old standard of “I’m bored, there’s nothing to do”, you know where to send them.

Neil Ostafichuk is the recreation supervisor at the Creston and District Community Complex.

Creston Valley Advance