FROM THE PULPIT: What if God says “No?”

Why does God answer the prayers of some and not of others?

Last Christmas, I experienced a prolonged severe cold that affected my throat with coughing and brought pain to my chest.

As I thought about it, I realized that I had enjoyed tubing down the mountain with my grandson. But I had forgotten to wear extra warm clothing underneath my jacket.

The same weekend we walked around the lit up animal park in minus 15-degree weather but God was gracious and heard my prayer and I recovered fully and am enjoying good health again.

Hopefully I will remember the lesson.

My sister and brother-in-law have gone through a very difficult year. My brother-in-law had undergone hip surgery and then his recovery was delayed because the hip cracked. When finally his hip was strong and he could ride his bicycle again, he noticed some pain in his large intestine.

Doctors removed part of his bowel and everyone hoped and prayed for healing. After living with a bag for some five months he went in for surgery again but the doctors had to remove the rest of the bowel making it necessary to keep using the bag for the rest of his life.

God answered those prayers and he can not only bike again but also enjoy tennis – he is hoping to go downhill skiing again as well. My sister, who has had leukemia for some 13 years, had to go back to chemo treatments.

She is now improving and we thank God for restoring her health.

Both of them are around 80 years old.

Two weeks ago, I attended the Celebration of Life for my cousin Rose. She had leukemia for some 19 years and more recently, had become a diabetic and finally struggled with Parkinson’s disease.

When the nurse came to check her condition, looking at the data sheet and the new patient before her, she said, “This cannot be Rose. She is supposed to be 87 years old and she looks much younger!”

Rose always kept herself upbeat with her hair done just so and here face as beautiful as ever. But Rose passed away, even though many prayers went up for her complete healing.

Now many ask, “Why does God hear some prayers for healing and others he does not answer?” Certainly God can do anything he wants to but there is another possibility concerning what happens to some individuals when they are sick.

To the apostle Paul, the Lord gave him assurance that “his grace was sufficient in his weakness.” God did not take away his sickness even though Paul specifically asked for this healing. But he had received strength to bear the illness.

When I thought of my cousin Rose, who fought her diseases valiantly and died, I finally realized that God answered the prayers for healing in a different way than we had asked for.

He said, “No” in effect.

He had a better plan than healing her physically; he took her to be with him. Her body died but her spirit went to be with Jesus. We miss her but we admit she is  better off than we are down here.

So God, in his wisdom grants new health to one, to another new healing from serious diseases and sometimes, he takes us out of this world and into his kingdom.

– John Siemens is pastor of First Baptist Church in Grand Forks

Grand Forks Gazette