Fuhr: We will never forget those who paid the ultimate price

Fuhr: We will never forget those who paid the ultimate price

Kelowna-Lake Country MP encourages residents to pause, reflect and remember

By Stephen Fuhr

A letter was recently sent to my office from a local Veteran and his wife who wanted to share details of their visit to our local Veterans Affairs Office (VAC). They were in need of some help with the Veterans’ disability pension.

By all accounts their experience was positive and they made a special point of commending VAC staffer Todd Mereick who works out of the Kelowna office.

As the couple noted, “Todd was available and proceeded to spend approximately two hours with us, helping to complete the application and assure that it was done according to the acceptable format. I’m sure that this was a large chunk of his day, but Todd showed great patience throughout with a wonderful sense of humor for a bonus.”

They concluded their letter by hoping that the service they received was a sign of better times.

I think it is. The letter illustrates clearly the importance of local VAC offices to veterans and their families and the value of the caseworkers and staff who work there.

Real person contact and assistance can make all the difference and Todd is just one great example of the support veterans can once again count on when accessing government benefits and services.

Men and women of the Canadian Forces dedicate themselves to the service of our great nation every day knowing that they will be undertaking risk and sacrifice. It is only fitting that when they come home they have help available to them in their own communities.

During Veterans Week and on Nov. 11, we make a special effort to honor the many Canadians who have served and still serve.

We appreciate their selflessness and we admire their courage for all they’ve endured.

We recognize it is their service that affords us our many blessings and it is with the greatest of respect we acknowledge their sacrifice.

We will never forget those who paid the ultimate price.

On Nov. 11, I encourage all residents of Kelowna-Lake Country to pause and reflect on the sacrifices made by attending one of the remembrance ceremonies in Kelowna – Lake Country.

Stephen Fuhr is the Member of Parliament for Kelowna-Lake Country


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