Fun doesn’t preclude aid


Re: Not just a drop in the bucket, Aug. 20.


Re: Not just a drop in the bucket, Aug. 20.

Letter-writer Dick Hulls’ rant about eating contests demands some kind of response, as it is only subjective in nature and only appears to be an affront to him.

His trembling attempt to appear objective in trying to make people feeling guilty about it won’t work.

Perhaps this appears wasteful to him.

However, to others, it is exactly what it is – fun.

Hulls asks, “What are we, in this so-called land of plenty, doing to help alleviate this tragic circumstance?”

Perhaps he’s not aware, but there are a myriad of world food agencies that are working to do just that – helping to alleviate the world’s hungry and starving citizens.

For example, locally there are church soup kitchens, the Salvation Army is doing an outstanding job of providing food and clothing, as well as the Union Gospel Mission in Vancouver, to mention a few.

What has the letter writer done to help alleviate such circumstances? Has he volunteered at a soup kitchen lately? Has he donated funds to a food charity?

There is tremendous joy by being involved in feeding the hungry, and donating to world food agencies, of which I’ve had the privilege of doing both.

If Hulls can answer that he has supported some kind of food charity or agency, then well done.

But before he attempts to remove the sliver out of someone else’s eye for not doing it, then perhaps he can start by removing the log out of his.

Brian Batke, Surrey



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