Fun for everyone

Family Fun Night and sled dog races will keep everyone entertained

Are you ready to party?

This coming weekend is going to provide some great family fun for all area residents.

The action gets started tomorrow night (Jan. 29) with Cariboo Challenge Family Fun Night 2016 on Birch Avenue in 100 Mile House from 5 to 9 p.m.

Billed as a downtown “by the community … for the community” event, there is something for every member of the family.

This will be the second consecutive Family Fun Night put on by a group of volunteers, whose main goal is to provide some family entertainment for 100 Mile House and area residents.

They are definitely making the South Cariboo, and 100 Mile House in particular, a fun place to live.

The group has worked tirelessly to put this production on and one only has to look at the lineup to realize how much effort they have put in to make the event successful.

There will be all kinds of activities for children and youth, as well as a Fun For All Ages Zone.

There will be karaoke for the singers, human foosball for those who like to kick a ball around.

Donex parking lot will be the site of a campfire pit and the Crazy Races and Games, including a tire pull, slogging race, costume race, fireside games and a hanging donut race.

Numerous children’s games will be set up in front of the community hall, including softball toss, golf, bowling, balloon board and a milk can toss.

There will be face painting for all members of the family, and cotton candy and bannock will be available, too.

Local businesses have donated items to the giant basket draw; see page A14-15 in this paper to find out where to get your ballots for the draw.

The community hall will be filled with more games and community clubs will be handing out important information and answering questions.

One of the highlights of the evening will be the Broomball Tournament between Second and Third streets on Birch Avenue. There are eight teams signed up to compete in these action-packed games.

On Saturday and Sunday (Jan. 30-31), everyone will want to head up to the 108 Heritage Site for the 2016 Cariboo Challenge Jack Gawthorn Memorial Sled Dog Race.

The race is making its return after it had to be cancelled last year and folks are very excited about its return.

If you haven’t seen this spectacle before, you are in for a treat, and dog lovers of all ages will be enjoy these four-legged athletes compete in 10-, six- and four-dog races as they pull a sled and driver as fast as they can – the team work is truly amazing.

There will also be junior sled dog races, and skijoring, which features dogs pulling skiers.

If you have been to the races before, you already know there is a lot going on between races and folks can grab something to eat, chat with friends and have a good look at the dogs.

We urge everyone to get out and enjoy these free family events this weekend.

100 Mile House Free Press