‘Gaping hole’ is a tragedy for Fort Langley

Suggestions to fill it in, wheelbarrow by wheelbarrow, cannot be taken seriously.

Editor: After reading Rob Koenig’s letter “Let’s fill the hole,” (The Times, Feb. 27),  I began wondering if Koenig had not written his letter “tongue in cheek.”  Was he pointing how preposterous the anti-Coulter Berry debate has become, with his suggestion that pro-heritage hole citizens of Fort Langley simply trespass and fill the hole, wheelbarrow by wheelbarrow, and see what springs from the dirt — a kind of magic bean experiment?

It is all becoming quite silly, (two storeys instead of three, have the citizens of Langley Township own the underground parking, let’s fill the hole wheelbarrow by wheelbarrow) if it wasn’t so tragic for Fort Langley.  There will be a gaping hole in the anchor location in the town for years to come, if the anti-Coulter Berry people have their way.

Gayle Hallgren,

Fort Langley

Langley Times