Garden may close, while $50,000 spent on fence

Editor: I note with frustration the proposal to close the demonstration garden in Murrayville, which some of us taxpayers enjoy visiting very much, because of budget cutbacks.

Yet only 100 or so metres away, we are being forced to pay $50,000 for a fence because some people, who may or may not pay taxes in this Township, choose to disobey the posted signs (how much did we pay for those?) and walk across Fraser Highway to the hospital, taking the risk of causing accidents there.

Never mind they are taking their lives into their own hands. That is their choice. Why should we Township taxpayers have to pay for some people’s wrong choices, and then be deprived of enjoying a little space of nature in our neighbourhood? It would be good to hear what the mayor and councillors have to say about their thinking on this.

Maybe we could choose to keep the demonstration garden, not build the fence, and use some of the finances to install a video camera to identify people disobeying the posted signs, and fine them to pay to keep the demonstration garden open.

V. Schellenberg,


Langley Times