Garnett Valley Road condition deplorable

I have lived out Garnett Valley Road for more than 10 years and the condition of this road has always been poor.

Dear Editor:

I have lived out Garnett Valley Road for more than 10 years and the condition of this road has always been poor at best but at least it was passable.

This road has now deteriorated to a point where is has become quite a dangerous road to navigate.

Last year I and my family narrowly avoided a head on collision with someone who was completely on our side of the road and travelling at quite a rate of speed. It was so close it really scared us.

Recently I was driving the road and there was a huge puddle. I could not avoid it and it killed the engine in my car. Luckily it dried out and I was able to get home, but this was a large deep puddle.

Recently my son was driving Garnett Valley Road and he could not avoid a huge pothole in the pavement and his car bottomed out. Who will be responsible to replace the car for this 17-year-old who bought his first car when he breaks an axle or something?

I had a hay delivery brought to me the other day and the driver asked how bad this road had to get before someone would do something about it.

He intimated that he might not want to come again if the road was not at least patched.

It isn’t a question of if someone will damage their vehicle on this road. Ask a mechanic.

The damage is being done, whether immediately obvious or not, the vehicles driving this road are being damaged and this is at the car owner’s expense.

As if the damage to the vehicles isn’t bad enough, the real big issue becomes one of safety.

People routinely drive on the wrong side of the road to avoid either huge potholes or very large collections of water which sometimes span most of the entire road on both sides.

I spoke to Dave Hill to find out what the plan was for repairs to the road and he said that there would be nothing done this week and it didn’t sound promising for next week either.

This road is a danger today and tomorrow and every day after that until at the very least these holes are patched.

Shelly White



Summerland Review