Gas pains

When the calender turns to June, one thing we all know is coming just around the corner.

When the calender turns to June, one thing we all know is coming  just around the corner.

Gas prices are bound to rise as the weather outside gets warmer.

It has become more predictable than the change of season in Canada. As the price goes up we all will have our wallets lightened if we make the decision to travel during the summer months.

The effect of this is that people have to think much harder before they decide  to take a trip anywhere in Canada.

As always this will lower the number of travelers who can afford to take a trip.

In an area like Golden this certainly hurts the economy.

When we all live next to a province where gas has been much cheaper than it is in British Columbia, people in Alberta may not come to our backyard to play if they have to pay so much more to move their vehicles.

Currently  gas in B.C. is one of the highest taxed in Canada. There are many reasons to tax gas.

It is something most people have to use in their daily lives so the government knows they will have a consistent flow of funds.

For most people using their car is not an option. Whether it is driving back and forth to work or using a vehicle for their job, gas is a part of everyday life.

Another reason to tax gas is that the money collected is promoted as being a great resource to pump back into the province in different ways.

However when you are taking more money out of the hands of the people in the province on a daily basis, you may have to forgive the tax payers for getting a tad upset every time there is a rise at the pumps.

I would be remiss at this point if I did not point out the companies that produce and sell the gas take a great deal of heat as well.

While sitting around a campfire not long ago it was pointed out that the companies jack the prices just to make more money. As we all know that is the purpose of any business.  Everyone works to make money so they can survive. But the question of how much is enough is yet to be answered in this industry.

One thing is certain the people who live a basic life and are not earning six or seven figure salaries are put in the position every year of trying to determine not only where they can go but more and more, can they afford the gas to get there?

Over the past few years many areas in Canada have been hit hard by the decision made by others. People have been forced to live much more carefully.

Every time the gas prices jump, fewer people will be able to come to our province to join in on the fun to be had locally.

This hurts all businesses across the board.

This year it would be nice to see a drop in taxes or maybe no summer jump in gas prices.

Sadly I would not advise anyone to hold their breathe to wait and see if this happens

Golden Star