Gas Pains

It has always amazed me that the price of gas in Golden is virtually the highest in the province

It has always amazed me that the price of gas in Golden is virtually the highest in the province, even the lower mainland areas that have their own local taxes built in to the price are cheaper at 119.9. We are told it is transportation costs?

That makes no sense whatsoever when communities far off the Trans Canada highway have lower prices. They also claim there is no price collusion yet every station in town is priced at 131.9 today, what an amazing coincidence.

I see the price in Edmonton just dropped to 102.9 and Calgary is somewhere around 1.06. Even a tourist resort town like Banff is much lower at  112.9. I suspect if they tried to charge more people would just drive to Canmore as they are priced at 112.9 as well.

I assume it makes a great impression on tourists as well. I am in no way blaming the local operators of gas stations as the prices are 100 per cent dictated to them by head office.

In real estate they claim location. location, location, it seems this would apply to gas stations as well.



Dan Maissoneuve



Golden Star