Gasoline costs bad for shops

NANAIMO: Re: Gas prices leave little to be thankful for, Letters, Oct. 6:

To the Editor,

Re: Gas prices leave little to be thankful for, Letters, Oct. 6:

For years Nanaimo has been held at ransom with over-inflated fuel prices.

We complain and complain about it, but we never seem to apply enough pressure on the local gas merchants to change their price-gouging ways.

They tell us they have no choice, they’re forced to raise their prices  and other standard, lame excuses.

There is never any legitimate reasons.

I have got into the habit of buying my fuel in the Ladysmith/Duncan areas because they don’t raise fuel prices at the drop of a hat and they price fuel fairly, unlike in Nanaimo.

I’m a firm believer in supporting local business, but as a consumer it has become increasingly necessary to stretch my dollars further. I have found the businesses in Ladysmith and Duncan to be more deserving of my dollars. The business owners in those areas seem to understand how to get the customers and keep them.

How does this help our local economy? Greed prevails over intelligence with local fuel suppliers and they can’t get it into their heads they aren’t helping the local economy. If consumers can buy the same products further south on the Island – and have access to lower fuel prices – why would they pay $137.9 a litre for gas in Nanaimo?

The only way I see fairer gas prices coming to Nanaimo is by boycotting local fuel stations whenever possible and local business apply pressure due to lack of sales in their stores.

The price will drop when there are large amounts of unsold gasoline in the supply tanks in the ground.

D. Wristen


Nanaimo News Bulletin