Generosity apparent in the Lower Similkameen once again this year

The leadership class at Similkameen Elementary Secondary School collected nearly 1,000 items of food on Halloween night.

To the Editor:

Christmas came early this year to the Cawston Food Bank. The leadership class at Similkameen Elementary Secondary School collected nearly 1,000 items of food on Halloween night.

As you know, we were unable to open in September due to a shortage of food and funds. This will go a long way towards rectifying this situation. The food donation has also brought Valley First Credit Union a step closer to winning the $6,500 shopping cart contest. They have collected over 100 shopping carts of food for the food bank since the contest began.

It runs until the end of December and now with the Christmas Hamper Fund on side with us, along with Valley First Credit Union, we should be well on our way to success.

Jenifer from Similkameen Pharmacy has generously donated several gift certificates for food at Valu Plus. They will certainly be put to good use by the recipients. Jenifer’s generosity is greatly appreciated.

Let’s make this a great Christmas for everyone.

Ingrid Percival, Cawston Food Bank


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