Get on board, White Rock


Re: Priorities skate over real issues, April 30 letters; Boarders appeal bylaw, May 2.


Re: Priorities skate over real issues, April 30 letters.

After reading Stuart Mitchell’s letter regarding the recent crackdown on longboarding by the RCMP and City of White Rock bylaw officers, I have reached a new level of anger on this issue.

We moved to White Rock two years ago but have lived in the general area for many years. I knew White Rock liked to have a “small beach town” image, but I had no idea it was so incredibly small-minded. The treatment of youth and children in this city, by this city, is appalling.

We offer few recreational activities – the most recent leisure guide published by the city had 80 per cent of its content dedicated to adults and seniors. I guess we know where kids rank in the City of White Rock. Maybe the city is saying: “Hey, kid, just go to the beach – but don’t you dare bring your dog!”

Skateboarding is a healthy outdoor activity for kids to participate in; kids have been doing so since the 1960s.

Where is this the impetus for this recent crackdown coming from? Who has bent the ear of the city? Is this really what our RCMP should be spending their time on?

If the current bylaw clearly shows on a map an area where skateboarding is specifically banned, then one would conclude that the area outside this zone is permissible. I would love to see someone fight this in court – the reasonable doubt is wide enough for a freighter.

And by the way, City of White Rock, not all longboarders are young kids that you can intimidate – some are 44 and own homes here, pay taxes here and pay the wages of RCMP officers, bylaw officers, mayors, councillors and city staff.

Start serving all the people of White Rock, not just the noisy, busybody ones that get your ear.

Michael J. Klaver, White Rock

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Re: Boarders appeal bylaw, May 2.

I see that Larry Robinson, a White Rock councillor, is not receiving support regarding skateboarding bylaw from a certain segment from the population, i.e., anyone who is over a ‘certain age’ and obviously not skateboarders themselves.

Well, I am writing to tell you that I am in that ‘older’ age bracket and I fully support these kids. I think they are wonderful and should be encouraged to practise their sport, with all the appropriate caveats – due care, safety, etc.

I see them line up on Buena Vista at the top of Dolphin, getting ready to start their descent down Cliff, and I admire their courage and elegance. I wish I could join them.

Having seeing these talented young people for a while, I am surprised White Rock doesn’t do something to celebrate this activity, something similar to the cycling race, Tour de White Rock. Maybe a skateboarding race? That should really get the seniors all worked up!

Funny how some older people dump on everything that young people do, having forgotten all the things they got up to in their youth.

Well, even though I am retired now, I haven’t forgotten what it was like to be young, and I know that these young people are good kids.

Let’s support these kids to do what they love in a smart, safe way.

Hannah Newman, White Rock



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