Get ready for Communities in Bloom and July 16 BBQ

letter to the editor from Virginia Smith, Communities In Bloom member - re bbq

To the editor;

The Community in Bloom judges are coming to Barriere on July 16 to begin their judging of our community.

Communities in Bloom is about so much more than just flowers.  We are judged on tidiness, and for example – signs left on telephone poles cost us marks.  We are also judged on urban forestry, new trees planted in the area and how well they are maintained.

Other categories include environmental action, heritage conservation, landscape and floral displays.

In each of these categories one of the components is ‘community involvement’, which means every person in our community can participate, by weed whacking a little extra, helping a neighbour who is unable to tidy their yard, etcetera.

As a thank you, the Communities in Bloom Committee and the TNRD Area ‘O’ are hosting a “Welcome Judges/Volunteer Appreciation Barbecue on July 16, at Fadear Park from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.  Free hamburgers, hot dogs, pop, bouncy castle and several of our volunteer groups will have displays.

Come out and enjoy the evening, and get a well deserved thank you for all the volunteer work you do.

Virginia Smith,

Communities in Bloom member



Barriere Star Journal