Get the under-55 vote out

Demographic is very skewed in favour of the elder members of the Campbell River population

The number of citizens who actually voted in the last municipal election in Campbell River was very low.

I believe under 8,000 of  the 24,000 eligible voters actually cast a ballot.  This year, we have 24,648 eligible voters.  With only three candidates running for mayor, it is possible that about 3,000 votes could win the election in that race if we do not get a larger percentage of our citizens to vote.

Having recently moderated two all-candidates meetings at the Sportsplex for the Campbell River Seniors’ Centre Society on Oct. 17 and Oct. 19, I know there is plenty of interest in the candidates, but the demographic is very skewed in favour of the elder members of the Campbell River population. I would like to encourage all eligible voters, especially those who below age 55 to exercise your right to vote and help Campbell river become one of the leaders in our province to raise the percentage of citizens who fully participate in our democratic process.

I fondly remember my first voting experience.  I was 19 years old, still attending school and living at home.  I walked to the polling station at Thompson School to vote in the federal election. John Diefenbaker was a politician from Saskatchewan who was running to become the Prime Minister of Canada. I had read about him and felt he would do a good job. I voted for the candidate from his party who was running in our riding. I left the school feeling my vote would help elect Mr. Diefenbaker and I felt I had done my part.  I would encourage all of you, regardless of your age to express yourself on Nov. 15 and elect the candidates of your choice.

Bruno Fornika

Campbell River Mirror