Getting burned by another bad law?

The proposed legislation banning commercial tanning by people under the age of 18 is a classic example of bad law.

The proposed legislation banning commercial tanning by people under the age of 18 is a classic example of bad law.

This proposal is an insult to our younger citizens. The vast majority of young people are intelligent and, given good information, are quite capable of making sound decisions in their own best interests.

Circumventing this proposed law is too easy. A quick trip to the hardware store and you can buy the components for a cheap home tanning bed. If the instructions are not available online they probably will be by the time you read this. In addition has anyone heard of fake ID?

What is this proposal going to cost? Introducing government regulations without a system for administration and enforcement is nothing more than window dressing. Heaven forbid I should suspect government of political grandstanding. Are we now going to have a department of tanning complete with tanning cops and ticket books costing taxpayers a huge amount of money?

The real benefits to this proposed legislation are very small and could, for the most part, be achieved through education and working with the tanning industry. Our current government’s track record for introducing poorly thought out legislative initiatives is getting rather lengthy. How many times do I have to say HST?


Jack Carradice


Chilliwack Progress