Getting out and trying something new

I grew up on a farm in northern Alberta and the straight gravel filled roads didn’t make for very entertaining riding

I don’t think there was ever a time when I regularly rode my bike.

I grew up on a farm in northern Alberta and the straight gravel filled roads didn’t make for very entertaining riding. Despite that, when I moved here, I decided I would take up biking once again.

So, in mid-May I googled “bike shops in Campbell River” and made my way to the one that was closest to my house. It just so happened to be Pedal Your World.

Since then I have been biking. Not to work unfortunately, since I need my car to run around to events and interviews throughout the day, but in the evenings for fun.

Before this past weekend I had never gone more than 10 km in a day. But I decided to join Pedal Your World’s annual group ride across Denman and Hornby Island to Tribune Bay. Altogether is was 40 km.

I kept myself busy the week before so that I didn’t start worrying about it. 40 km, can I really bike 40 km? Will that even be any fun? But I decided to try it anyway.

And I did it, and it was fine. I didn’t even wake up with sore legs like I did when I hiked 18 km up a mountain last year.

It was beautiful. There were some killer hills, but blackberries on the side of the road at the top as well as beautiful views. And Tribune Bay is a site to see. I read somewhere that they call it ‘little Hawaii.’ I don’t think I would go that far, the water is way to cold to even think tropical, but the white sand is beautiful and a nice change from the rocks along the sea walk.

But this isn’t supposed to be a column about my personal adventures. What I am trying to say is get out and try something new. Though biking might not be your thing there are plenty of other activities to try from art classes to martial arts. I also think that age doesn’t matter. I like to cross stitch and bake, both things I learned from my grandma. And there were riders on Sunday over 60 who finished a lot faster than I did.

I was worried about this 40 km. I considered backing out at least once a day the entire week before.

I surprised myself. I met some interesting people. I toured a place I may not have gone to otherwise. I challenged myself and came out better for it.

When was the last time you did that?

I challenge you to try something new this summer. Don’t take any unnecessary risks, but get out there. Don’t worry about looking silly or taking it easy, at the end of the day it should be fun.

It can go either way. I got lucky, I like riding my bike more after that adventure. It doesn’t always work like that, but either way I have another good story to tell.

Don’t know where to look for fun things to do? The Mirror is a good place to start. Events are often advertised before hand as well as written about afterwards. Mark them on your calendars! We also talk to a lot of interesting people, are they up to something you might want to try? Then try it!

If I can do it, so can you.

Good luck!

Campbell River Mirror