Ghostly mayor of Langley Township has no interest in community

I think the numbers at the municipal poll, with 80 per cent not voting, tell the real story.

Editor: Re: Township mayor plans to run for re-election, (The Times, June 24).

I read with mild amusement that Mayor Jack Froese plans to run for mayor of the Township of Langley again.  His words: “I’m very pleased with the progress council and I have made during this term.”  What progress? What are you talking about?  You are as invisible as a ghost.

Other than unionized Township workers at the hall,  high-fiving in the hallways, most residents of Langley Township wouldn’t know you to see you.  We truly have no idea what you do or better yet, what you are being paid to do.

As for the Brookswood tree-huggers, seriously? We need to pave paradise and put in infrastructure. After 28 years, we still don’t have a SkyTrain connection in Langley. Carbon tax? I believe 99 per cent of B.C. residents see this as a BS tax that ends up in the general coffers to pay for government officials’ exuberant expense reports.

Most people who live in Langley do so because Vancouver and Burnaby are too expensive.  We don’t live or move here because the council members of the Township of Langley are brilliant.

Most people don’t care, and I know the mayor has no clue what the community has to say.  I think the numbers at the municipal poll, with 80 per cent not voting,  tell the real story.

Sandra Steffan,


Langley Times