Gifts left on bus bench too costly to replace

Editor: Whoever found a  bag left on the bus bench at 196 Street and Fraser Highway containing Body Shop items, please turn it in.

I am on disability raising my 14-year-old granddaughter. We don’t have much money, so today we thought we would take advantage of the Body Shop sale which is buy three, get three free, we spent $45 so the items in the bag were worth $90.

When we were getting on the bus across from White Spot my granddaughter forgot the bag, but we didn’t notice it until we exited the bus on 203 Street and Fraser Highway.

We took the next bus back, but the bag was gone. I called transit as soon as we got home, but the most they can do is put in a report and if anyone turns the bag in, they will call us.

My granddaughter bought some items for her great grandmother and her grandmother for Christmas.

Her grandmother has been fighting cancer for a few years and has just received her last chemo treatment and was diagnosed as terminal.

It’s hard to buy grandmothers things they can use, but especially hard when they know their grandma won’t be here next Christmas and we can’t afford replacement gifts.

If whoever found these items needs them as much as we do, then keep them. I hope it makes your life a little easier.

But if you realize how much it would mean to have them back, then please drop them off with a driver or contact transit and we can pick them up at your convenience.

S. Papineau


Langley Times