Give back to the Cowichan River

The Cowichan River has benefitted us all, in some form, at some point in our lives.
The most obvious beneficiaries are those that have floated down the Cowichan River in tubes, followed by those directly or indirectly involved in the local tourism industry.

The Cowichan River has benefitted us all, in some form, at some point in our lives.

The most obvious beneficiaries are those that have floated down the Cowichan River in tubes, followed by those directly or indirectly involved in the local tourism industry.

A less obvious user of the Cowichan River includes those linked up to the Town of Lake Cowichan’s sewer system, which discharges treated water into the river.

Let’s consider everyone that lives in the Cowichan Lake area; an area would not have become nearly as populated if not for the Cowichan Lake and River.

The Cowichan Lake and River ask very little from us in return; simply that we treat them nicely, and keep them clean. It’s like hobo etiquette. Leave your squatting space in as clean or cleaner condition than you found it, and you won’t be ousted.

This Saturday’s Third Annual Cowichan River Clean-up (see Page 5) isn’t the only opportunity to give back to the river. Aaron Frisby from The Tube Shack has been patrolling the river on a weekly basis to clean up trouble areas.

A number of other people have also been noted to dive and snorkel throughout the summer for cans and other garbage.

So, help out on Saturday. If not Saturday, find some time to do something for our Heritage River.

• As a secondary note, another thank you should go out to the Lake Cowichan RCMP, who routinely confiscate alcohol from tubers. Rather than likely ending up at the bottom of the Cowichan River, these bottles and cans end up being donated to local organizations that need the money.

Related to the RCMP’s involvement in confiscating alcohol, their pleasant means of doing so should also be noted.

They’re not “the man bringing you down,” they’re there to help people, both from others and from one’s self.

Lake Cowichan Gazette