Give bus a chance

Nanaimo is a far more convenient destination for Deep Bay residents

I would just like to write in support of the Community Bus from Deep Bay to Nanaimo in view of the remarks made by Area Director Veenhof  in Tuesday’s QB NEWS, that if the ridership does not improve, it will have to be discussed further.

He also said in his remarks that the bus from Courtenay, which stops in Fanny Bay, should be extended to  Bowser which it seems would be less strain on the budget.  This idea has been in the works for years but the bus to Nanaimo is much more practical.

The people using this bus do not only go to Nanaimo.  They also go to the Qualicum Beach Seniors’ Centre and to doctor or dentist appointments, swimming etc., or as a way to get to Parksville on a transfer bus from Ravensong.

Courtenay is not as centralized as Qualicum Beach or Nanaimo’s Woodgrove Centre and people wishing to go anywhere else in Courtenay would need to find other modes of transport.

I have used the bus from Fanny Bay a few times to go to the Comox hospital, which was not too bad because there is a bus goes right from Driftwood to the hospital. Anything else would not really be that easy. So please give the Deep Bay bus a chance.

It’s only been up and running for a few months.  A bit too soon to shoot it down and I would like to ask the community to please use the bus.

Ann Jaeckel


Deep Bay



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