Give the Senate a golden parachute

Amid the squabbling, the Senate last week suspended without pay three members after an audit revealed “troubling” expense claims.

Things to think about.

Amid the squabbling, the Senate last week suspended without pay three members after an audit revealed “troubling” expense claims.

Here is a novel approach to save taxpayers billions.

Give the senators a Great Big Golden Parachute (GBGP) to vote themselves out of existence – to suspend themselves in perpetuity.

(If they can suspend three of themselves; why can’t they suspend all, I ask you?)

The GBGP would get rid of the whole kit and caboodle in one fell swoop.

Now I am sure such a line would take some legalese and a few loonies to boot, but it is much simpler than trying to get the various powers that be outside the Senate all lined up to do the deed – that last line of attack must take a century and multi-billions of bucks to accomplish.

What are your readers’ thoughts?

Robert E Rushton


Salmon Arm Observer