

Give UN seat to Norway, Ireland

Canada doesn't deserve a seat on the UN Security Council.

Give UN seat to Norway, Ireland

Canada doesn’t deserve a seat on the UN Security Council.

Whether judged by our lack of commitment to UN peacekeeping missions, our meagre foreign aid contributions, or our inability to speak with an independent voice on the world stage, Canada just doesn’t measure up.

For the past two decades, Canada has shamelessly tried to appease the United States; turning a blind eye towards Israel’s transgressions, championing U.S. attempts to replace the democratically elected president of Venezuela, while participating in American led regime change from Iraq to Afghanistan, Libya to the Ukraine.

Canada’s support for provocative NATO expansion, and its refusal to consider Russia’s very legitimate security concerns, has made the world a more dangerous place.

Far better to award the seat to Norway or Ireland, countries that have demonstrated a deep commitment to peace and the international rule of law, than to Canada for its empty platitudes and posturing.

The United States already has one seat on the Security Council; the last thing it needs, is another.

Mike Ward


Cowichan Valley Citizen