Given increased use of Mount Doug Park and Saanich Parks and Recreation’s commitment to inclusion of people with disabilities, there is a good case for enlarging the car park at Glendenning Road.
I am disabled (an amputee) and there are no disabled spaces at the existing car park. I need all the energy I have to exercise my dog; a ‘few hundred metres’ (as quoted in the July 31 article) to the alternative parking in Winchester Road can make all the difference to me. Please consider that some users are not ‘unwilling’ to walk the extra distance, they are unable to.
Fire trucks may have to back out of Glendenning regardless of people parking on the road because of trees on either side. My experience is that people try very hard not to block the road or cause problems for residents or other park users. We all want to make this work and for the park to be accessible (legally and safely) to as many people as possible.
Over to you Saanich Parks and Rec.
Jackie Gay