Globalists are in denial after Brexit vote

Britain may well have struck the first blow in a populist movement that could see more European Union members have their own referendums.

To the Editor,

A popular revolution against globalism is well underway.

Britain may well have struck the first blow in a populist movement that could see more European Union members have their own referendums to leave and the distinct possibility of the eventual unravelling of the EU. The elitist overlords of the EU are discovering that taking away borders and superimposing manufactured civic identities over once-proud nations and cultures with their own rich and complex histories is not working and runs contrary to basic human psychology. Britain rightly concluded that any economic advantages they enjoyed in the EU were more than offset by their loss of freedom and sovereignty and that they were now at the mercy of unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels.

The American version of Brexit is on clear display in the current U.S. election with the surprising support for Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. The distrust and contempt of ordinary Americans for the political establishment has never been greater.

Justin Trudeau is currently riding high in the polls but his decisions to ignore public opinion in fast-tracking Syrian refugees into the country, pulling our jets out of the fight against ISIS and opting for deficit spending could come back to haunt him in the 2019 election if he continues to ignore the silent majority.

The elites and globalists use of such derogatory terms as ‘low-information voters,’ racists, conspiracy theorists or xenophobics will not work nor stop the freshly politically motivated and increasingly angry millions worldwide.

Gerald HallNanoose Bay

Nanaimo News Bulletin