Gnome doors deface park

When I go to the forest for a walk through the trails, I do not want someone else’s art thrust upon me.

To the Editor,

Re: Gnomes able to return home, Aug. 4.

When I go to the forest for a walk through the trails, I do so to appreciate all the natural beauty Mother Nature has to offer. I do not want someone else’s art thrust upon me.

When the first gnome door appeared many years ago in the park I thought it was a cute idea and there was only one. Now, there are many. In certain areas there are so many I refuse to walk those trails anymore. I have complained to the city and got a very vague response: “Some staff like them, some staff don’t.” To me that is irrelevant. Not only are the doors defacing the trees, as they are either nailed or screwed into the tree trunks, but this is a public park: what is in the park should be pleasing and enjoyable to all. What if several people thought that they would also like to display their art or craft projects in the park? If you allow one individual to do this, what is your rationale for stopping others?

My understanding is that we have bylaws in place that don’t allow people to deface or harm public property. Permits are required to hang signage or posters in public places – why is this any different?

Lee DimosNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin