God expects us to participate

Pastor's Point

We have arrived post Thanksgiving and pre Christmas, that in between time when we appreciate what has been, looking forward to what will be.

The secret for us is to live well in the present as we seek a well rounded experience of life.

We say as we greet and leave each other’s company, “God bless you.”

We would have the best for all; and if we think or feel differently God will help us to overcome that in order to be a loving, forgiving people, ready for every good work.

There is an implied aspect to wishing one another the blessings of God. It depends on us as well as on God for us to have His blessing.

Even though our partnership with Him is unequal in that He is all knowing, all present, and all powerful and we are so very limited in what we know, where we are, and what we can do, we are still required to participate and to do our very best.

At family dinners a lot of preparation goes into getting the food ready and if it is a feast it will take days. This usually falls on a few rather than the many.

Those who come to eat, enjoy one another’s company, and celebrate do well if they bring something to contribute and also when they help with the cleaning up.

This may seem simple and obvious and yet we may not appreciate that to fully enjoy everything of the moment and the day it requires participation.

If one only comes to receive and doesn’t give and not be actively involved, it takes away from the pleasure of the occasion.

God expects us to participate, even if only in a small way.

God bless you and may we all accept the privilege of being participants in the workings of the Lord in our lives.

May we not only receive but also actively participate in the love of God found in Jesus.





— Pastor Allan Walker, Qualicum Beach Baptist Church.



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