God in the midst

Rawlin Falk of Maple Park Alliance church delivers a message every Friday in the Observer

Zechariah 2:10 “Sing

for joy and be glad, O

daughter of Zion; for

behold I am coming

and I will dwell in your

midst,” declares the


Just the idea that the

presence of God was

coming to dwell with

His people was

enough reason for joy

and singing. He hadn’t come yet, but just knowing

He would come was cause to sing.

There are three things that can make us sing

when we understand them.

1. He has come. Christ is called Immanuel,

God with us.

He came and dwelt among us and as John

said, We beheld His glory, glory as of the only

begotten of the Father. John 1:14 (AV)

2. He is dwelling in our midst. Jesus’ promise

was that wherever two or three gather in His

name, He is in their midst.

He has also promised to dwell in the disciples

through the Holy Spirit.

Everyone who has the Spirit of God in them

has God dwelling with them in a way that is

unique to this age of history.

3. He will come again.

We are reminded of this promise each time we

share in the Lord’s Supper. We show forth His

death until He comes.

He is coming again and will receive us so that

we will always be with Him.

So the past, present, and future hold a joyful

truth for those who love Him.

That truth is the presence of God with His


He is with you today, so why not rejoice.

Rawlin Falk is pastor with Maple Park Alliance

Church in Quesnel.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer