Going postal

Columnist Arthur Black’s comments regarding the apparent discrimination shown toward 15-year-old Canadian Noah Kilpatrick are on point.

Columnist Arthur Black’s comments in a recent column in The NEWS regarding the apparent discrimination shown toward 15-year-old Canadian Noah Kilpatrick are on point.

He goes on to highlight the many derisive and discriminatory terms used in the past when referring to Italians, Chinese etc.,  and then, to illustrate his smug belief that somehow Canada has evolved into a superior society compared to our American neighbours, he drags out the same old, same old: health care, gay marriage, marijuana and the all time favourite, gun control.

To quote: “Gun control? Wild West insanity in the U.S. while in Canada — no problem eh? We don’t Go Postal about our right to bear arms.” Ooops! He just lost all credibility by using the term “going postal?” If I were a postal worker, I would take immediate offence at being characterized and stereotyped in such a manner.

Oh, and by the way, Canadians do club baby seals.

Lesley Winter

Qualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News