Golden Secondary School gears up for the Holidays

Getting prepared for the holiday season has led to some fun times at Golden Secondary School.

Mrs. Iris Trask

Golden Secondary School Principal

Students dressed up in their finery last night to attend our Christmas Dance, put on by the P.A.R.T.Y. Students’ Council (Prevention of Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth). Once again, a huge thanks go to the parents and staff members who chaperoned the dance, and to Mike Pecora for the music. Also, thanks to our student mixers who shared their talents during the dance to the delight of many students.

This Friday we have our first recognition assembly of the year at 2 p.m. and we would like to extend an invitation to parents and community members to join us for this special event. We will be recognizing our fall sports teams as well as specific academic achievements since the beginning of the year. Thanks to Mrs. Runa-Bjarnason and her Leadership class for organizing and putting on this very important assembly.

Of particular note are the two teams that qualified for Provincials this fall – Senior Boys’ Soccer and Senior Girls’ Volleyball. These players and their coaches worked hard to earn this right and both teams represented Golden Secondary with pride. A heartfelt thanks goes out to the numerous businesses who so generously contributed to make these trips to Burnaby and Prince George possible. This kind of support for our youth is sincerely appreciated.

In the New Year, we will have three weeks left of our first semester, then students will write final exams for their courses that are ending between January 23 and 26 (year long courses will have final exams in June). Grade 8 and 9 students will have classes as usual during the exam days as all of their academic classes are year long.  If you would like an update about your son or daughter’s progress, please feel free to call the school at 250-344-2201 or send an email. All of our teachers’ email addresses are on our website: .

We have had a busy four months of school and both students and staff are well deserving of a two week winter vacation. Please note that school is back in session on Tuesday, Jan. 3.

I would like to wish all of you a wonderful holiday and best wishes for a healthy, prosperous new year.


Golden Star