Golden shows

When I first moved to the Columbia Valley some of my friends were concerned I would not get my fix for live music and great films.

When I first moved to the Columbia Valley some of my friends were concerned I would not get my fix for live music and great films. I am an avid movie watcher and love going to see live music.

After two years in Invermere and now being in Golden I can honestly say my friends have nothing to worry about. Recently I started writing articles for the Film Kicks series .

The selection of films that you would not normally get a chance to see is outstanding. There truly is something for everyone and will give people a great night at the theatre throughout the winter. So after looking at the list I was thrilled and just when I thought it could not get better I dropped by to talk to Bill Usher who along with the members of Kicking Horse Culture,  is helping organize the Live Kicks series.

I did not know what to expect this being my first time in Golden for the series.

I was excited to see Alex Cuba was going to be the first show in town on November 6. The Cuban born musician who resides in Smithers, B.C. will be bringing his trademark melodies, pop-soul hooks and rock chords subtly subvert commonly held notions of what Cuban music is.

But this was just the beginning of my personal excitement. The mix of shows was evident when I saw a show in January of the Dusty Flowerpot Cabaret.

I have found in the past you just never know what is going to happen at this style of show and after watching a short video of the group I was hooked.

The next twist was Ski Bum The Musical. In an area such as this anything with ski in it should be appreciated. Having a full blown musical on the stage at what will be the newly renovated Golden Civic Centre should be a blast.

But back to the music once again. Being a man from Newfoundland I have a love for music from the East Coast.

Many a night in my younger university days were spent on George Street in downtown St. John’s listening to many great traditional performers. One of our personal favourites, like many other people, was Barrett’s Privateers which introduced me to the music of Stan Rogers.

So seeing that his son Nathan was coming to town at the beginning of March was a pleasant surprise.

Then added to the list on other night were Steven Page and Rita Chiarelli. Page formerly of the Barenaked Ladies will be bringing his unique voice and performance while a few weeks later we will have the chance to listen to a fantastic Blues singer in Chiarelli, who is a JUNO award winner and 4 subsequent JUNO nominations.

Just when I thought it was as good as I could hope for the news only improved when I heard I would have the chance to once again see the Cheesecake Burlesque Revue. Last year in Invermere I went to one of their performances which had me laughing so hard my sides hurt for days. The last thing I saw on the list of what was coming to Golden won me over with the title alone.

DECK: How I Instigated Then Overcame an Existential Crisis Through Home Improvement stars Cliv, a meticulous single parent of two who has been forced to reassess his future after taking major losses in the recent recession. He embraces a new start as a small town, eco-conscious, back-to-the-lander. His attempts at self-sufficiency are hijacked by a bad house buy and he is forced to try his hand at home improvement.

All I can say is what a line up it is and to all my chums who were worried about me not having anything to do. Once again worry no more because great shows come to Golden all the time.


Golden Star