Good bus value

This is in response to letter-writer Jamie Syme regarding less than full buses.

This is in response to letter-writer Jamie Syme regarding less than full buses.

Yes, many times the bus is not completely full, but it’s fortunate you have not had to be left behind in the rain  when a bus full of strollers, wheelchairs, and walkers has filled the bus to capacity. Or, during the school runs, it’s standing room only.

Sure, it would be ideal to have every bus carrying a full load, just as all restaurant owners would like to have every table full all the time.   But then, you may not enjoy the long delay before dining.

Did you know the transit service in Abbotsford-Mission offers a fantastic value –  for instance, for $1.75  you can take the bus to Mission, transfer, then take a tour of the town and return to Abbotsford.

Every passenger makes for one less empty seat – so sit back and enjoy the ride.

C. Shirritt


Abbotsford News