We are not amused. Five million dollars and no doubt extras for a fire hall that is projected to last 75 years?
I seem to recall that Coun. Scott Tanner once followed a thread and proposed that a referendum be held for the need and cost of a new fire hall.
Where did that idea go? Did the ensemble shut that down?
As well, it appears that we do not have anyone — either staff or management level — capable of project management/site supervision, — as a further $25,000 is now allocated for those services.
And was there an advertisement or competition for said expense?
I do not see any major public works projects underway that would hinder the use of the superintendent of public works or even the town engineer from doing this job.
And, in closing: that there flapping mural on the old bus shelter sure do look pretty. Prudent financial management?
Allan Clark
Qualicum Beach