Good medical helps on road to recovery

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

In the afternoon of Sunday Sep. 4, my husband, Gary who has always been strong, healthy and an avid walker, became severely disoriented after days of severe headaches and flu like symptoms.

At 5:30 p.m., we called 911 and within 15 minutes two paramedics arrived from Hope. They transported us to Chilliwack General Hospital where the Emergency Room staff performed some tests including a CT Scan. The CT Scan revealed two large pools of blood which had accumulated in the brain cavity, likely the result of a fall suffered two months earlier.

Realizing that Gary would require an evacuation of the subdural hematoma, they contacted a surgical team at the Royal Columbian hospital in New Westminster, who stood by, prepared to save Gary’s life. Gary slipped into a coma, as he was being rushed into New Westminster for the surgery which took place immediately after his arrival at Royal Columbian.

An excellent surgical team led by Dr. Richard Chan were able to do the emergency repair work and by 3 a.m. Gary had been moved to the intensive care unit where he spent four hours before being moved to a semi-private room.  He was released from the Royal Columbian on Tuesday September 13 and is well on his way to a full and complete recovery. He has begun going for short walks and is once more challenging the odd Sudoku puzzle.

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to both paramedic teams for their quick & skilled response.  All of the Chilliwack ER staff, Dr. Richard Chan and his top notch surgical team, as well as the Royal Columbian ICU team and the excellent post-surgical nurses.  All of whom provided Gary with a level of care, second to none.

Words are inadequate to express our gratitude to our awesome God for hearing and answering our prayers and putting Gary on the road to recovery.

Thank you!

Laura Friesen

Harrison Mills

Agassiz Observer