Goodwill in Terrace, B.C.

Countless acts demonstrate essential human kindness

WHETHER it be those who formed the Field of Faith Foundation and who now dispense hot food and warm clothing once a week at George Little Park or the Terrace Sponsors Syrian Refugee Families, local residents once again demonstrate the concepts of compassion and sharing.

The same is true of the Terrace Churches Food Bank’s extra distribution day this week and the Salvation Army’s recently introduced twice-weekly breakfast.

There are other countless acts throughout the year of private and personal outreach demonstrating the simple principle – from those according to their ability to those according to their need.

As we gather together this Christmas week, a week rooted in the Christian faith, the words of Tommy Douglas are appropriate. From his start as a Baptist minister, Mr. Douglas became the first-ever Co-operative Commonwealth Federation premier of Saskatchewan and introduced the country’s first Medicare program to that province. He later became the first leader of the federal New Democratic Party:

“If Christmas means anything, it should mean that, like the shepherds of old, we catch a vision of the world as it ought to be and not as it is. This is the season where we should renew our determination to do what we can, each in our own way, to build a world founded on human brotherhood and concern for the needs of others.”






Terrace Standard