Goose options

I was so shocked when I read The NEWS and heard that the city had corralled 484 Canada Geese... as if I’m in some bad ‘B’ movie.

This message is for all citizens of Parksville — beware of staying here during the winter months, those that flock to the warmer climes are safe. I also encourage those who feel that they might be starting the moulting process, to hide quickly away from tennis courts.

I was so shocked when I read The NEWS and heard that the city had corralled 484 Canada Geese into a tennis court. I feel as if I’m in some bad ‘B’ movie.

About the estuary, earlier in the spring we saw the geese preparing to nest in the roped-off areas specifically for them, but we never saw any babies produced, obviously due to the addling program.

Hence no mom and pop geese ever had the chance to parade their brood down the river so that one or two could be pickings for eagles or other predators, which is called nature. I guess this means more cats are in danger because eagles have less food to find?

I walk my dog and see many Australian sheep herders, whose owners would love the chance to give their dogs a purpose. They don’t kill them, they just drive them away and finally they get the message and stay at the estuary, which I walk almost every day and is free of geese. Giving them a small slice of the goose management strategy money might be an option.

I know it’s not an off leash area and that offends some people, but these dogs would be working for the city. They would wear little vests that indicate what their job is.

Nancy JonesParksville

Parksville Qualicum Beach News