Governance efficiencies

Navigating the complexities of overlapping jurisdictions for members of a volunteer community association is difficult and leads to wasted time and effort on the part of not only of citizens, but of elected leaders and staff at all levels.

In Greater Vernon, this is the case when dealing with parks and recreation, fire and emergency services, water resources and transportation and may be true of other areas as well.

Having learned of a meeting with Community Development Minister Ida Chong to discuss regional district services such as parks and recreation, the Vernon Foothills Community Association wishes to offer its support for the simplification and rationalization of governance in Greater Vernon.

Unifying management and control of governance would allow a community association such as ours to deal directly with one responsible body rather than several, would make decision-making more efficient and effective, and would make those put in charge directly accountable.

We hope that this letter assists in communicating to Ms. Chong, on our behalf, that current governance arrangements are neither practical nor well-designed.

F.W. Polnicky and Kees Versfeld,

Foothills Community Association




Vernon Morning Star