Government bullying teachers with legislation

Bullying tactics by B.C. government aren't appreciated by teachers

With regards to this latest move from government in the teachers’ strike, it seems so impossible that we would live in a democratic country and still see forms of bullying tactics such as this government uses – but it is so true.

On June 8, 2007 the Supreme Court of Canada determined that the right of workers to bargain collectively is so important to society as a whole that it is protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Please, could someone in B.C.’s government explain to the public how legislating contracts upholds this Charter right? Does the Constitution mean nothing to our political leaders? This is no longer about teacher salaries or classroom sizes or any other issue that might be a part of these contract talks. This is about the right of all and any worker to fair bargaining tactics; this is about a freedom that is already protected under our national Charter.

Fair bargaining means, at the very least, a place of safety for both sides and this is not done by legislating fear and power over people. If you want real bargaining, but can’t do it yourself, you bring in neutral binding arbitration – you do not threaten and bully your way over everyone. Our government officials should be ashamed to be part of yet another broken contract deal, yet another example of the lack-of-good-faith bargaining this province has shown in the previous decade.

How are we ever to believe and trust this government when all they do is twist and bully and legislate when it suits them? When was the last time they led by example and showed real consideration for the people they are supposed to serve?

I pray people do not forget these things when election time comes. At least we still have the right to vote.

Angela Cragg


Peninsula News Review