Government needs to step up

As a grandparent, taxpayer and former teacher, I am disappointed by the government’s unwillingness to negotiate a fair contract

End the teachers’ strike!

As a grandparent, taxpayer and former teacher, I am disappointed by the government’s unwillingness to negotiate a fair contract with the teachers of B.C.

The cutbacks the government is proposing are destructive to our public education.

We need the regulated class sizes, dedicated teachers, teacher assistants, speech therapists and full-time school librarians so that all children have equal opportunities for success.

The government’s  disregard for the last two outcomes of court cases has shown nothing but contempt for our education system, as well as our justice system.

Now the ‘plan’ to offer $40 per day per child, aged five to 12 years old, demonstrates disrespect to taxpayers, students and teachers alike. To be willing to spend $13 million plus, per day, for as long as is necessary, rather than negotiate a fair contract is not in the best interest of students or families. This plan is about power, not a willingness to see students back in school by September.

Take the action that best serves the children of B.C. End the teacher’s strike.

Our children are worth it.

Cindy Whitehead


Salmon Arm Observer