Government proud of homeless strategy

Our government introduced a new phase of the Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS)

Our government introduced a new phase of the Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS). Despite false claims that funding has been cut, we’ve renewed funding under this program for the next five years, with a focus on a “Housing First” approach.

Through this renewed commitment, communities will continue to receive the same amount of funding for programs to prevent and reduce homelessness as they did previously.

Housing First is a proven, evidence-based model and will deliver better results for the most vulnerable. It worked internationally and has shown clear success where it has been tried in pilot projects here in Canada.

Housing First involves moving homeless individuals from the streets and short-term shelters into immediate and permanent housing, while offering support for addictions, mental illnesses and life skills development.

Evidence has shown that it’s more effective to address issues, such as lack of education and training and mental health or substance abuse issues, when the individual is first in stable housing.

While Housing First will be the cornerstone of our new HPS, communities will retain flexibility to invest in other proven approaches that reduce homelessness at the local level, such as shelters and transitional housing.

The Opposition frequently criticizes our Conservative initiatives, including Housing First, in spite of the international evidence of its effectiveness. But that’s because – aside from raising taxes and legalizing marijuana – they don’t actually have any ideas of their own.

Our government makes no apologies and is proud to be ensuring hard-working taxpayer dollars are directed to where they will have the largest, long-term impact.

– Colin Mayes is the member of Parliament for Okanagan- Shuswap.


Salmon Arm Observer