Government spending has its limitations

There is only so much the government can do. And the teachers must do their part, as well.

Editor: The letter by Langley teacher Paul Milette in The Times (Aug. 26) seems to me to be illogical. He questions why the government is paying to fight forest fires that don’t endanger people, suggesting it is therefore wasting taxpayers’ money. He also criticizes government for spending money to minimize the danger of the tailings pond spill in the Cariboo and derides the government for lack of weed control on school properties here.

Where does Milette think the government gets its money from? It is from the taxpayers, of course, who certainly want the teachers to be fairly paid.

They also want the government to do the correct thing when our forests and water supplies are endangered. There is only so much the government can do. And the teachers must do their part, as well.

Mike Harvey,


Langley Times