Government’s job isn’t job creation

Re: Ideas on coexistence more useful than vilification, Letters, June 5.

To the Editor,

Re: Ideas on coexistence more useful than vilification, Letters, June 5.

I saw Jim Corder’s letter on the protesters in Montreal, and read with amusement, his ideas about the economy and progress.

It would be interesting to hear his opinion on the definition of progress.

Is progress related to global warming? Maybe he is speaking of the progress being made by the rich, as they gather more and more wealth into fewer hands.

Corder doesn’t know much about economics, or the environment, if he believes that developing the tar sands project is anything more than the Conservative government rewarding Stephen Harper’s home turf.

If all the benefits, loans, tax cuts and incentives that oil companies, some of the richest companies on Earth, were redirected toward clean energy, we would see progress.

If Corder understood world economics, he would surely know that since the 2008 stock market upheaval, businesses and CEOs have been making more and more money, while the middle class and poor are left behind.

The Occupy movement was only incoherent to those people who do not care about fairness and equality.

Those who watch a lot of Fox News, deemed the most unreliable, uninformed, and untruthful news in North America, probably agree with this assessment.

I am skeptical of people who think it is the government’s job to create jobs. It is the job of government to protect against the tyranny of the majority.

The tar sands are a disgraceful waste of taxpayers’ money. Need a job? Make one.

G.J. Demmons


Nanaimo News Bulletin