Gov’t funds available to ranchers to help offset losses

Plop, plop, plop — the cow pies keep piling up in my world, with such a plenitude of poop that I’m a bit dishevelled from all the shoveling that’s been required lately, just to keep my path minimally accessible.

Plop, plop, plop — the cow pies keep piling up in my world, with such a plenitude of poop that I’m a bit dishevelled from all the shoveling that’s been required lately, just to keep my path minimally accessible.

One positive note, all of our outlaw steers (which bolted for freedom Sept. 8) are accounted for; as the last seven head were rounded up by neighbours during fall gather (Oct. 3). It ended almost a month of renegades roaming the range. Thanks, folks!

Also, qualified B.C. Cattlemen can finally access long-promised government funds to offset losses from the debilitating after-effects of the 2010 Cariboo drought/wildfire and flood season (which carried into 2011) with this week’s release of the applications for the AgriRecovery initiatives (announced by federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and B.C. Minister of Agriculture Don McRae July 12) finally available. But you’d better hurry and get the blanks filled in — it’s a very short time limit offering with the deadline for application being Nov. 1.

The AgriRecovery 2011 Canada-B.C. Feed Assistance Initiative is to assist beef and bison cow calf producers in specific regions of British Columbia with the impacts of delayed spring grazing in 2011 and the 2011 Canada-BC Reseeding Assistance Initiative is to assist livestock producers in specific regions of British Columbia reseed pasture that is in an agriculturally non productive state due to damage from severe flooding or wildfire in 2010. Payments are based on a per-head basis and the applicable designated “area grazing delay” for the Feed Assistance Initiative; or on a per-acre basis and subject to verification, for the Reseeding Assistance Initiative — as defined in the program terms and conditions of each program.

For more information visit or call 1-888-332-3352 (Business Risk Management) to see if you qualify and to access applications.

Liz Twan is a local rancher and freelance columnist for the Tribune.

Williams Lake Tribune