Grad class busy with many fundraisers

The Clearwater Secondary School Graduating Class of 2012 has numerous fundraising events ongoing, with more planned

Editor, The Times:

With the onset of spring, the members of the Clearwater Secondary School Graduating Class of 2012 has numerous fundraising events ongoing, with more planned in support of Prom and Dry Grad events.

Chocolate sales were already a big hit, as were raffle tickets and calendars. Thank you to all who supported.

Grad Students continue to help at the bi-weekly Elks’ Bingo where Grad Bake Sale treats are also available.

The annual Spaghetti Dinner, Silent Auction and Entertainment Show at CSS will be held April 25; look for our posters about town for event details, and set aside the evening for a dinner out.

Neighborhood bottle drives will be undertaken during the week of April 8 – 13.

The Grad highway clean-up, sponsored by Argo, is in the works; motorists can show their appreciation by reducing their speeds, and giving a honk or wave.

Spring bulb sales have begun; expect grads from your neighborhood to be visiting homes and businesses to show how you can make your 2012 garden as memorable as they hope their graduation will be. Get your orders in by April 15.

We appreciate your support.

Clearwater Secondary Graduating Class of 2012



Clearwater Times